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Life Stories

26 years still trying to find Solace

Still Painful I had an abortion 26 years ago. My child would of been 26 years old. It is so painful for me to write that sentence.

I have never shared this story with anyone, but I will today. All of these years I have tried to forget this abortion and chalk it up to a painful experience, but I can't forget it completely.

When I became pregnant, I was 20 years old and still living at home. I was with the child's father for about two years and we were engaged. I told all of my friends, because I was so happy. But of course, the father of this baby, was not happy. He was still living with his mom - he was already 26 years old. He said we didn't have the money to have a take care of a child and he wasn't ready to be a dad and that he wouldn't be able to marry me anymore and our plans would be ruined.

I wish that I would of been stronger and had more self-esteem.... Well, I had the abortion and on that very day back at his mom's house, he made me give him oral sex. It felt like I was being raped.

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