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Life Stories

The Loving Option

I was 19 (and 12 1/2 weeks along) when I found out I was pregnant. I've never believed in abortion. In my mind it just isn't an option. When I told my mum I was pregnant, she was shocked but supportive.

I had just gotten out of an abusive relationship, and I knew that this guy was the father. But I didn't want him back in my life. So I didn't tell him about my pregnancy. Oh, he found out about it, but I told him it wasn't his. And thankfully, he believed me. I also knew that if I was to keep this baby that I'd have to go on welfare to support it, and that was something that I didn't want to do.

I was scared, and I felt alone. But then my mum suggested adoption. I didn't know much about it, but my mum was adopted herself. So we looked into it. I decided that it was the best thing for my baby.

I read several profiles from prospective adoptive parents before I decided on one couple. I don't really know why I picked them, but there was just something about this couple that I liked. I called my worker and told her who I had picked. She asked if I had any more questions about them that I would like answered that weren't in their profile.

I asked what their religion was. It wasn't that important. I was just curious. She told me they were Catholic! I was surprised because I was Catholic too. Maybe that's why I picked them. Maybe it was God telling me that these were the people that should raise my baby.

I decided that I would like to meet with them. We talked to my priest, and he said that we could use one of the rooms at the church. When I met them, I liked them instantly. The adoptive mother and I just connected. During the meeting, I found out that they had been waiting 10 years to adopt a child! I couldn't believe it! They said I was like an angel to them because I was giving them the most precious gift, a child.

When I went into labor at 7:30 a.m. on April 28, 1998, my mum took me to the hospital while my dad called my worker. She in turn called the adoptive parents. I didn't have a very long or painful labor. There were no complications, and my doctor said that I went fast for my first child. My daughter was born at 11:30 a.m., only four hours of labor! She weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces, and she was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

After my daughter was born, we called my worker again to let her know. She called the adoptive parents, who then called me to see how I was doing. I asked them if they wanted to know the sex of their baby and they said yes. So I said, Well, you guys have a beautiful baby girl. They were overjoyed and decided to drive three hours to see us that very day.

I was in the hospital for three days and got to spend it with the adoptive parents and my baby. I asked them what they were going to name her. They asked if they could name her after me. I was shocked and happy at the same time. I said, Of course you can. So my daughter was named after me.

It's now been six years. I am happily married to a wonderful man, and we are expecting our first child in August of this year. I'm not saying that placing your child for adoption is easy, because it's not. It takes a lot of love on your part and a lot of support from your family and community.

I still think of my daughter a lot, but I've never regretted my decision to place her for adoption. I encourage all young women out there to at least look into adoption.

by: Just call me ~ NO REGRETS! Amen

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