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Support Pro-Life Ghana Outreach

Edward Obeng Kwkaye is the Executive Director of Edward Initiatives foundation ( EIF-GHANA ) He is one numerous philanthropic Ghanaian and a social worker for life. Mr. Edward flows in the anointing of the Christ to the full revelation knowledge of redemption and living the redeemed Life.

Mr. Edward is single, a Christian, a social worker and was born in the Ashanti region of Ghana on 6th June, 1981 to Mr. and Mrs. Obeng Kwkaye all in the central Region of Ghana.

Hailing from a Christian family, Edward was baptized into the Mount Olivet Methodist Church, Abrepo-Kumasi, Ghana. He started his primary education in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. He proceeded to Osei Tutu High School from 1997-1999 and continued to Sanat Computer Institute where he obtained a certificate in computer software and Hardware from the year 2000 – 2002.

He had a dream supporting babies and pregnant women. After the dream, Edward took the Gospel of life to a lost, dying and hurting world through his Pro-Life journey. First Pro-Life materials were donated to him from Shari Richards of Sound Waves Image, and it was blessing being welcomed to the Pro-life organization. After that donation, He named His organization sound Waves Images Ghana for exactly one ( 1) year. Shari Richards informed Mr. Edward that she couldn't support him again because she was facing financial difficulty. So after that, Edward had a discussion with Mr. Eric Ohlman who was the International director for Frontlines international. He helped Edwards contact LIFE INTERNATIONAL, but after a few years, they also stopped their support. he then changed the organization's name from Sound Wave Image to Life international Centre of Ghana.

Because of his life supporting efforts, the whole world heard about his works, which lead many International organizations to contact him. By God's grace, another organization called LIFELINE INTERNATIONAL appointed him as Ghana Director till date.

Till recently that Mr. Edward Obeng Kwakye set up his own organization called Edward Initiatives foundation in the year 2006 as non profit making organization taken it as a duty to create awareness and educate entire world especially Ghana on the effect of ABORTION as a way of contributing to Anti Abortion Campaign being propagated in the country, Ghana. As motivational, Inspirational and social speaker for life and because of his strong advocacy for children and women, he brought a unique approach to Abortion issues as he took the " argument " out of the intellect and put it in the human heart.

Edward Obeng Kwakye has been into Pro Life organization for the past 10years saving more babies life and supporting pregnant women in various way with the support from His family and some well wishes friends both local and International.

All his pro-life times he always has a special Gratuities to everybody who have been contribute to his successful Pro life ministry. very special one to Shari Richards, Dr.and Mrs. Wilkes and the entire staff's of Life issues and Hayes Publishing company especially Charlie Ante, Denise F. Coccioione and her secretary Joan of National Life Centre and 1st Way organization, Molly S. White and her team from Women For Life International, Nathan Burd Of Heartbeat International and everyone who has been supporting Mr. Edward and His organization EIF-GHANA say's May the good Lord blessed you all for Life, Amen.

As at today, Edward Initiatives Foundation has 37 clients in their care made up with 27 single mothers, 6 pregnant women and 5 newly mothers. They meet them once every month which is last Thursday of the month through prayers and word of God with Christian pastor from difference church every month, after the prayers, we share food and drinks and takes away some materials such as soap, sugar, milk, rice, cocking oil, washing powder etc and it cost me between $ 100 - $ 120 USD. each month.

Edward Obeng Kwakye wants to take this opportunity to appeals to all international organizations to come to his aid to enable him to meet all his clients needs and extend his support to each and every person who needs help, and support his efforts to help people choose LIFE against abortion. He would also like to welcome every international organization who would like to support him to participate in pro-life programmes especially Training, Abortion Recovery programmes, outreach programmes tour and all walk for LIFE.

Currently the vision for Edward Initiatives Foundation is to organization Ghana walk for life which is coming on June, this year 2008 and all the benefit will go straight to start up CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTRES all over the Ten (10) regions of Ghana. Come and support this vision for LIFE, Amen.

Peace to everyone who is reading this Biography of Mr. Edward Obeng Kwakye and His organization. If you would like to have any information about projects and programmes as well as supporting him, you may contact him below for all information about Ghana and Africa as a whole.

Edward Obeng Kwakye P. O. Box 4576 Adum-Kumasi GHANA.

Mob: +233 244 846 701

Email: /

Thank you and May the good Lord bless you all, Amen.

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